Women's Association
Boone Presbyterian Women's Association usually meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room (directly off of the sanctuary) on the fourth Wednesday of each month from September through May. Occasionally, they will meet at a different time or place (most notably, the first Wednesday of December instead of the the regular dates in November or December). This will generally be announced at meetings and in the worship bulletin.
The meetings begin with a social time and refreshments, followed by devotions and a Bible study. They often follow a selected curriculum. If you'd like to take part, simply contact the church office and we'll let the group know so that they can make sure they have enough materials.
In addition to their regular meetings, the Women's Association also helps with events like weddings and memorial services, as well as other church gatherings. They also hold fundraisers as needed for improvement projects around the church, and contribute to the Presbytery of Boise's Presbyterian Women Organization to aid in mission projects worldwide.
All women are welcome in this group! Contact us for more information, or come to a meeting to see what it's about!